My braces journey

After years wanting to wear braces, at last I finally wear it! Ever since high school I'm desperately nak pakai braces sebab gigi sis teruk sangat huhuhu and nak la senyum cantik kann ni tak senyum pun sorok-sorok takpun bila bergambar ramai-ramai sorok belakang orang tapi nampak mata je. lol. Paham tak cemana?? Tak kurang jugak nak pakai sebab kan tak nak jadi bahan ejekan budak budak zalim lagi durjana yang ingat lawak la tuuu make fun of my teeth! I still remember okay, people yang ejek gigi aku ni sama ada ejek depan aku ataupun ejek behind my back!! (Please don't translate it literally) I've got eyes every where tauu jangan ingat aku tak tauuu! Anyway, I start pakai on 5th April 2019 and its been five month already. Even though baru lima bulan tapi banyak gila improvement and I'm really satisfied with it. Today, I'm going to share about my braces journey (setakat ni)

So, the first step is to get a consultation from your desired dental clinic. Dentist will check your teeth condition and ask why you want to wear it. Ikut dental clinic gak kot whether diorang tanya atau tak but as for me, the dentist asked me first. After that, dentist will count your teeth cukup ke tak, the numbers of teeth that need extraction and then bagitau the braces type that suits your teeth condition, the cost and the duration. As for me, I need to extract only one tooth, which is my gigi susu hdghagdhdshshshs. I know, I also couldn't believe that I STILL have that gigi susu! I mean, i'm 22 years old and I still have it???? Tengok la dulu betapa takutnya nak cabut gigi sampaikan buat derkk je gigi susu tu wujud hsghsshshsgshgh. Sudahnya gigi berterabur and jonggg. Okayyyy back to the topic, sis. 

The dentist told me that self-ligating braces would be the best choice for my teeth haih tapi tu la, the its quite pricey compared to the traditional ones. So the total cost that I have to pay is RM 4,800 or maybe lebih sebab cost scaling and extraction cost lain. Worry not, sebab gila la kan nak bayar sedebuk tu terus....kena bayar installment la derrr setiap kali appointment kena ada RM 350 huhuhu I'm dead gurllll nak cantik punya pasal. Tapi the best part is my appointment will be lima minggu or seven weeks sekali sooo kumpul la kauu duit untuk appointment gigi! Tu la the perks wearing self-ligating braces, less appointment, less painful tapi tu la, yang banyak nya part duit la hsghsgshsgh. Tapi for those who wants colourful teeth, this type of braces is not for you sebab braces ni takde guna getah warna warni tu tapi boleh pilih sama ada metal or ceramic. 

Credit : Family Care Dental

Self - ligating braces atau nama lain damon braces. At first, I thought the dentist will guna the ceramic type tapi dia guna yang metal ones (Gambar kanan, gigi bawah) The ceramic punya damon braces tu invisible sikit so people couldn't notice sangat kan hehehe. 

Moulding and X-Ray
The next step is moulding and x-ray. Disebabkan sis seorang yang bukan kategori penyabar, so I decided to do moulding and x-ray on the same day hihihi. So, pegi bilik x-ray and diorang akan bagitau macam mana nak letak dagu, gigit apebende ntah pastu habis x-ray the dentist panggil and explain pasal keadaan gigi based on the x-ray film. Pehtuu buat moulding. Time ni tak sakit apa pun sebab they basically put something like clay or plasticine that smells like colgate at your teeth. Gigi atas ngan gigi bawah. Then, they set for extraction appointment and for the moulding and x-tray I had to pay around RM 300 kot including deposit. Idk, tak ingat hehehehe. 

After skipped several appointments, (which I had to) so tiba la masa untuk cabut gigiiiiii. Extract one tooth and to my surprise, sikit pun tak sakit wei! At first, you will feel tickling at your lelangit as the dentist cucuk ubat bius kat gusi ngan lelangit. Kebas dia sampai lobang hidung, kauuu! Pastu you won't feel anything and cuma nampak the little spanar or what-so-ever it is called and cuma nampak the dentist bersilat la untuk cabut gigi tu. Nasib baik la dentist tak bersilat sangat sebab gigi gue amat senang dicabutin ya teman-teman. Benda yang paling tak masuk akal is I had to rongak for three effing weeks!! FYI, the teeth tu gigi depan but not basically depan, its terlindung belakang gigi tengah ni sigh idk how to explain it. But, you can see my ke-rongak-ness from my right side and it's so awful, hideous and so makcik makcik 😭 And during that time, I'm on my internship period. Me is so sad 😭😭😭 For extraction, I had to pay RM 60 je sebab sebatang kan (thank goodness) Dah la pi sorang-sorang, balik kena naik grab dapat plak pakcik yang ramah aku pun hu ha hu ha kan je la pakcik tu. Sorry, pakcik but I'm struggling to talk, you..know...

After two hours you will start to feel painful from the extraction. The blood wont stop and you had to keep changing the gauge and if you couldn't tolerate with the pain, worry not sebab most dentist will give painkillers. It depends on you actually, some people might say its painful but as for me, extraction tu didn't hurt a lot and its still tolerable. Believe it or not, I didn't consume the painkillers at all 😎 Cuma, tak syiok nya bila bangun tido rasa payau darah and its soo ewwww. So, here's the extraction tips:

  1. Makan puas puas sebelum extract.
  2. Jangan minum using straw because it will give pressure to the wounds and besides save the earth, people!
  3. Makan minum benda yang sejuk, so that allow the blood clotting process pehtu darah pun kurang mengalir. 
  4. Don't you ever kumur. Maybe rinse or kemam would be okay.
  5. Jangan gosok gigi kat area extraction kalau tak silap kita tak boleh gosok gigi lepas beberapa jam cabut gigi. But then, lepas tu boleh gosok gigi cuma jangan usik tempat extraction tu. 
  6. Selalu bersihkan bekas cabut gigi tu dari sisa makanan sebab takut boleh jadi infection. 

Soooo I think that's all. Maybe someday I will post about the next step...maybe, one fine day. So, if you are eager to wear it, just do it! But, please from the dental clinic that have certificate and recognized by authorities. Please don't wear it from unrecognized clinics or else it will harm you in future. Love your teeth, your body and yourself, everyone!  


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